In Sancta Maria College we aim to provide a comprehensive Guidance service for all our students. Mr Richard Berkeley and Ms Marion Gill are our Guidance Counsellors.
We have timetabled Career classes for our Transition Years, 5th and 6th year students. In these classes the students study three basic areas.
1. Personal insight into their interests, aptitudes, values and personality.
2. Career goals and how to take the first steps along their chosen Career path.
3. The world and life after school and where and how we would like to fit in.
We try to give the students as broad a range of activities as possible to enable them to make the correct decisions. As well as formal classes, we organise trips to Career related events, guest speakers visit the school and talk to students, In cooperation with the LCVP class all students partake in Work Experience and carry out a Career Investigation, we use many Interest and Aptitude tests including the DATS ( Done in the first week after mid term), the students have access to our IT rooms for research, we have a Subject options module in TY to help students select subjects for Leaving Certificate, and the Guidance Counsellor is available for one to one meetings on all career and subject related matters.
There are also informal classes with our Junior cycle classes at different times throughout the year, e.g., Selecting the practical subjects in first year, deciding on TY, etc.
As part of our Guidance and Pastoral Care programme we provide a counselling service to all our students. The Guidance Counsellor is available to meet with students, (or Parents) on Personal, Educational or Career related matters. Through our Mentor, Class Tutor, Year head, Academic Monitor, HSCL, SPHE, Chaplain and Guidance Counsellor, we have a system that is both formal and informal to ensure that we meet the needs of all students and their parents/guardians. Students and parents are encouraged to talk to any of the aforementioned people should they have any problems or need any advice.
We have a Guidance Plan with all the information in place.
Click here for some useful websites
Click here to read a newspaper article on subject choices